YouTube and Artificial Intelligence.

YouTube knows what you like because it’s watching you. Millions of users screen content on the video platform daily, while artificial intelligence (“AI”) stores valuable data about your behavior. Such as viewing time, type of subjects watched, content you subscribe to, comments left by you, and the preferred language of the content viewed. This information, along with your age, gender, and location collected from other Google searches, is used to suggest other videos to watch. 

Google relies heavily on YouTube data, and several SEO specialists suggest this information has a strong influence on your Google search results. In other words, search outcomes in Google will be more personalized and adapted to the user according to their interests on different web-based platforms like YouTube. 

Businesses that understand how the two platforms communicate can craft strategies that boost their exposure. The first step to doing this on YouTube involves creating a channel with a brief description and a web link to your website. The next step consists of uploading compelling videos that entice viewers to watch. Next, label the videos with a title and short description that provoke interest. The videos do not have to promote the company but rather offer value and spark curiosity. When viewers like your content, they subscribe, like, comment, and share. YouTube’s AI examines this user interaction and determines additional content that would interest the viewer. Ultimately, AI influences the natural Google positioning of your website during searches that relate to your YouTube videos.

Trying to take advantage and manage all of the web-based platforms available to your business can be overwhelming. It’s essential to make sure you spend the time and resources on strategies that are thought out and intentional to achieve the desired results. Companies that create accounts and post content on platforms because they feel they need to will only be frustrated in the end. Please contact us to learn how Tansley can help ease the burden and develop a content strategy that enhances your company’s exposure on Google and YouTube. 

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As Creative Director at Tansley, David uses his expertise in storytelling and design to build lasting brands and empower entrepreneurs.

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