Before beginning your website design, it’s crucial to develop a copy strategy to incorporate keyword phrases in your text so search engines will naturally understand your web pages’ content. The first step requires your team to perform a keyword analysis. The main goal is to find the most popular keyword phrase not frequently used by your competitors. Google provides all of the tools to make the proper analysis. For example, the keyword phrase “personalized tshirt” appears 1,600 times a month in Google and is found on 12,200 web pages. This result produces a ranking difficulty ratio of 763%, meaning that competitors saturate their web pages with the keyword phrase. In comparison, “personalized sweater” also appears 1600 times per month in the search engine. However, it’s only integrated into 818 web pages, which gives us a ranking difficulty ratio of only 51%. It’s better to implement the keyword phrase “personalized sweater” in your text because it’s typed in a search as often as “personalized tshirt” but found on fewer competing sites. This strategy guarantees that your company website would appear more frequently in Google searches than your competitors.
You can craft your keyword phrases once you identify the keyword. The copy should be original, contain at least 300 words, and incorporate at least one keyword phrase discovered from your analysis. Each web page should repeat at least one, 2 to 5-word combination that includes an identified keyword phrase, such as “personalized sweater.” The ideal density of keyword phrase combinations on a single page is between two and four percent. You can create this density by repeating the text in the page’s title, body text, and page footer. You must spend time to be clear, concise, and creative with your copy to avoid duplicating content on your website and copying content on competing sites. Google will not recall duplicate content. Therefore your website will not appear at the top of critical searches.
Web page relevance
Google’s analysis of page statistics also determines web page relevance. For example, Google uses data concerning time spent on page or bounce rate as an indicator of web page quality. Google measures the page events, such as clicks, scrolling, zooming, viewing a video, and form completion as a sign of importance. You can improve your page statistics by designing the pages to maximize your users’ page events. Consistently evaluating your web page statistics will help you determine if your pages achieve the desired results or need to be modified.
We invite you to contact us if you need help crafting copy to maximize your company’s web pages’ performance.